{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
'There is no instance of a country having benefited from prolonged warfare' - Sun Tzu
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
As the last effort of democratic humanity, your ship embodies hope for man and the decisions you make shape all futures. Saving a ship or leaving a ship is your choice, but ships left behind have no say in their eventual [[death.]] {(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
With every ship shaped in the new age, you can assume that the crew has -
50/50 Male-female ratio
20% non-religious
60% Shaki (a new religion formed in 2100)
20% [[Christian]]
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Death is present with life, and hate with man, but the direction of hate is human. You must control the tensions through the focus of hate otherwise violence, mutiny and death become reality.
Your ship's capacity is only limited by yourself, but overcrowding and hunger will limit the control of hate, and hate is proportional to food and water supply, as with any society. In essence, a strain on resources due to overpopulation throughout your ship may be unavoidable but, as history shows, it can lead to great tensions dwelling in previously peaceful places.
There is no benefit being under [[capacity.]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You have a small crew of 20 scientists who will serve you towards preserving humanity. As their leader, you have the ultimate say on what happens. But leadership is built on the desire of people to be willingly led, and the desire to achieve something they couldn't without leadership. In other words, when people do not want to be led in a certain direction, they will not seek the leader going in that direction, so tread the line of your views and communal views very carefully.
(set: $Capacity to 20)(set: $MaxCapacity to 20)
Your capacity is $Capacity/$MaxCapacity
(set: $Tension to 0)(set: $DeathToll to 0)
Your death toll is $DeathToll
These facts will be shown regularly and are accessible to everyone in the ship.
Embody [[hope.]]
Good luck
(set: $d = 0)
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The future starts on encountering a supply ship, a vessel capable of creating food and water for 200 people. It is made with titanium but was built off the back of slave labour.
The workers on the ship were part of past ideologies, each owning slaves themselves (the very slaves responsible for the ship's construction). The ship was made in a time when slavery was the norm but when slavery ended the slave owners' views didn't change. The ship owners regret nothing.
The ship contains 40 workers.
The ship has a capacity of 200.
[[Take them]]
[[Don't take them|Don't take them 2]]
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Humanity's roots always emerge from man's hate, even if you start [[again.|Moving on]]
(set: $MaxCapacity = $MaxCapacity + 200)(set: $Capacity = $Capacity + 40)(set: $FoodAndWaterShip = true)
Capacity $Capacity/$MaxCapacity
Death Toll $DeathToll
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Build from the past, don't let death [[dance at a funeral.|Moving on]].
(set: $DeathToll = $DeathToll + 40)(set: $Tension = $Tension + 5)(set: $FoodAndWaterShip = false)
Capacity $Capacity/$MaxCapacity
Death Toll $DeathToll{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
{(set: $c = 0)
(set: $b to ($Capacity-$MaxCapacity))
(set: $b1 = (round: $b))
{(if: $b1 >= 5)[
(set: $c = $c +1)
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,50))[
(set: $b1 = $b1-5)
(if: $b1 >=5)[(set: $c = $c +1)]
{(if: $c is $d)[]
(else-if: $c > $d)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(else-if: $d > $c)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(set: $d = $c)
History is always blurry, and the line between just and unjust is never clear, but the Rafas are a people built on murder. In their eyes, liberty is weakness, equality is laughable and family is competition. The Rafas, from the age of 5, kill everyone and everything they can in the name of personal enjoyment. No moral code exists, just the pleasures of their own freedom to murder.
An 8 year old Rafa is found alone in a ship.
[[Take the child]]
[[Don't take the child]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Bad men thrive under good [[people.|Military 1]]
(set: $Capacity = $Capacity + 1)(set: $Child = true)
Capacity $Capacity/$MaxCapacity
Death Toll $DeathToll{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
A separate counter is made viewable for your crew, it reads:
Capacity $Capacity/$MaxCapacity
Death Toll $DeathToll
Children killed 1
Whatever context may have been important, whatever information swayed your decision, it is all stripped away by this statement. The details and intricacies are boiled away leaving words tribally agreed as ‘bad’.
Your authority is in turn overruled through the perceived innocence of this child, and your sentencing of the child to death.
It seems your ability to make decisions has been [[removed]].
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Your ability to make decisions has been [[removed.|Thanks for playing]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You are approached by a military ship containing 50 of your country's soldiers, sharpened by war but fogged by its end.
They have emerged through the bloodiest fight humanity has every experienced. Friends and loved ones die over another country's land. The war showed the worst in people and this ship is no different. The inhabitants of this ship were responsible for killing child soldiers and civilians caught in their crossfire. Some would consider them soldiers, others would just consider them murderers in uniform.
Remember, if you are irreversibly over capacity in the future, it is moments like these where you may regret your decisions.
[[Take them|Take Military 1]]
[[Don't take them|Don't Take Military 1]]
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Does the army follow the rules of the general given by the government or the government given by the general, as to do one is to contradict the [[other.|2 vessels]](set: $Capacity = $Capacity + 50)
(set: $Military1 = true)
{(set: $c = 0)
(set: $b to ($Capacity-$MaxCapacity))
(set: $b1 = (round: $b))
{(if: $b1 >= 5)[
(set: $c = $c +1)
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,30))[
(set: $b1 = $b1-5)
(if: $b1 >=5)[(set: $c = $c +1)]
{(if: $c is $d)[]
(else-if: $c > $d)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(else-if: $d > $c)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(set: $d = $c)
Capacity $Capacity/$MaxCapacity
Death Toll $DeathToll{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
{(if: $MaxCapacity is >$Capacity )[
When you train to defend your beliefs, you become more not less.
(set: $DeathToll = $DeathToll +50) (set: $Tension = $Tension +4)]
(else:)[Our world wasn't built from peace so we shouldn't expect the past to be peaceful.
(set: $DeathToll = $DeathToll +50) (set: $Tension = $Tension +6)]}
{(set: $c = 0)
(set: $b to ($Capacity-$MaxCapacity))
(set: $b1 = (round: $b))
{(if: $b1 >= 5)[
(set: $c = $c +1)
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,30))[
(set: $b1 = $b1-5)
(if: $b1 >=5)[(set: $c = $c +1)]
{(if: $c is $d)[]
(else-if: $c > $d)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(else-if: $d > $c)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(set: $d = $c)
Capacity $Capacity/$MaxCapacity
[[Death Toll|2 vessels]] $DeathToll
(set: $Military1 = false){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
(if: $Tension is >=10 )[The unrest on the ship is too great and your decisions have built up a great anger. That anger has been turned towards you. A leader must serve to lead and, from their perception, you do not.
Your ability to make decisions [[ends.|removed]]]
(else:)[You are further approached by 2 vessels.
The first vessel is a computer database containing all of humanity's history, told through the perspective of Hitler and his successors. This is the only written history you have access to, and the only written history where society can interpret the past.
[[Take it|Military Vessel 2]]
[[Leave it|Leave Computer]]
]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The next vessel is a ship that contains 100 more of your country's soldiers.
Remember, if you are irreversibly over capacity in the future, it's moments like these where you may regret your decisions. Some would say there are more valuable careers in peacetime.
[[Take them|Take Military 2]]
[[Don't take them|Don't take military 2]]
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The scientists you lead are insulted and they speak seemingly as one. "You understand we know Hitler was bad, you don't have to protect us from information we know is biased. It gives us an understanding of the past and an understanding of a perspective. This is more important than protecting fragile minds.” They are angry at your decisions and the tension felt by some individuals is affecting other's lives.
History is never unbiased.
A factual, accurate story is chosen to be [[told.|Military Vessel 2]]
(set: $Tension to $Tension + 3){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}(set: $Military2 = true)(set: $Capacity = $Capacity + 100){(set: $c = 0)
(set: $b to ($Capacity-$MaxCapacity))
(set: $b1 = (round: $b))
{(if: $b1 >= 5)[
(set: $c = $c +1)
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,30))[
(set: $b1 = $b1-5)
(if: $b1 >=5)[(set: $c = $c +1)]
{(if: $c is $d)[]
(else-if: $c > $d)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(else-if: $d > $c)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(set: $d = $c)
}}You take the second military ship burdened, like every generation, by soldiers who have experienced more than any human should, who are forced again to fit in.
Capacity $Capacity/$MaxCapacity
Death Toll $DeathToll
[[Life goes on|Tension test 1]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
{(if: $Military1 is true )[You have no control over who lives and who dies, but your rule contradicts that freedom of life.
50 soldiers watch their professional family die. They more than anyone understand that their ability to stay alive is rarely in their own hands, but in the hands of those around them.
(set: $DeathToll = $DeathToll +100) (set: $Tension = $Tension +6)]
(else:)[You have no control over who lives and who dies, but your rule contradicts that freedom of life.
(set: $DeathToll = $DeathToll +100) (set: $Tension = $Tension +2)]}
{(set: $c = 0)
(set: $b to ($Capacity-$MaxCapacity))
(set: $b1 = (round: $b))
{(if: $b1 >= 5)[
(set: $c = $c +1)
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,30))[
(set: $b1 = $b1-5)
(if: $b1 >=5)[(set: $c = $c +1)]
{(if: $c is $d)[]
(else-if: $c > $d)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(else-if: $d > $c)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(set: $d = $c)
Capacity $Capacity/$MaxCapacity
Death Toll $DeathToll
[[Does life go on?|Tension test 1]]
(set: $Military2 = false){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
{(if: $Tension is >=10 )[The anger in the ship proves too great and is directed at you. The decisions you have made provoke overbearing tensions in the ship, leading to a vicious mob mentality focused only on you. At least now your crew has a scapegoat they can direct their will towards in this new [[future.|removed]]]
(else-if: $Tension is <10 and >=5)[Due to the stewing tensions boiling over in the ship, a [[brutal fight|Fight 1a]] breaks out.
You are the only person who has made a decision, so this is a situation you have to take ownership for.]
(else-if: $Tension is <5 and >=2)[Due to the high tensions originating from your decisions, a [[fight|Fight 1b]] breaks out.
You are the only person who has made a decision, so this is a situation you have to take ownership for.]
(else-if: $Tension is <2)[So far, your decisions are aligning with the rest of the crew, giving you a potential for power experienced by all the worst leaders.
The future is slowly being written.
You can never truly start over, as you are still the [[same.|Low Tension Test]]]}
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
(set: $Capacity = $Capacity - 1)
(set: $DeathToll = $DeathToll + 1)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + 2)
[(if: $Military2 is true)[
A bloody fight breaks out between two Military personnel. They attack each other with vicious fury. Fight etiquette is disregarded wholeheartedly as they bite and claw at each other, as if wild animals fighting for survival. Eventually, one of them prevails as the other is seemingly knocked unconscious, but when approached it is clear the man is dead.
What do you do?
[[Exile the killer|Kill Military]]
[[Punish the killer with no food for 2 weeks]]
[[Give a rallying speech on our shared responsibility|Do nothing]]
(else-if: $Military2 is false)[
(if: $Military1 is true)[
A bloody fight breaks out between two Military personnel. They attack each other with vicious fury. Fight etiquette is disregarded wholeheartedly as they bite and claw at each other, as if wild animals fighting for survival. Eventually, one of them prevails as the other is seemingly knocked unconscious, but when approached it is clear the man is dead.
What do you do?
[[Exile the killer|Kill Military]]
[[Punish the killer with no food for 2 weeks]]
[[Give a rallying speech on our shared responsibility|Do nothing]]
(else-if: $Military1 is false)[
(if: $FoodAndWaterShip is true)[
(set: $MaxCapacity = $MaxCapacity - 5)
A bloody fight breaks out between two Food and Water workers. They attack each other with vicious fury. Fight etiquette is disregarded wholeheartedly as they bite and claw at each other, as if wild animals fighting for survival. Eventually, one of them prevails as the other is seemingly knocked unconscious, but when approached it is clear the man is dead.
What do you do?
[[Exile the killer|Kill food and water]]
[[Punish the killer with no food for 2 weeks]]
[[Give a rallying speech on our shared responsibility|Do nothing]]
(else-if: $FoodAndWaterShip is false)[
A bloody fight breaks out between two of your scientists. They attack each other with vicious fury. Fight etiquette is disregarded wholeheartedly as they bite and claw at each other, as if wild animals fighting for survival. Eventually, one of them prevails as the other is seemingly knocked unconscious, but when approached it is clear the man is dead.
What do you do?
[[Exile the killer|Kill science]]
[[Punish the killer with no food for 2 weeks]]
[[Give a rallying speech on our shared responsibility|Do nothing]]
(set: $Bully to false){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
{(set: $c = 0)
(set: $b to ($Capacity-$MaxCapacity))
(set: $b1 = (round: $b))
{(if: $b1 >= 5)[
(set: $c = $c +1)
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,30))[
(set: $b1 = $b1-5)
(if: $b1 >=5)[(set: $c = $c +1)]
{(if: $c is $d)[]
(else-if: $c > $d)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(else-if: $d > $c)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(set: $d = $c)
}}Capacity $Capacity/$MaxCapacity
Death Toll $DeathToll
[[Continue|Mad General]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
(if: $Military2 is true)[
A fight breaks out between two Military personel. The fight seems petty and scrappy, one person intending to inflict damage while the other fights seemingly out of self defence.
What do you say after the fight?
[[Why was this fight started?]]
[[Both of you get no food]]
[[Give a rallying speech on our shared responsibility]]
[[Who ever started it is exiled]]]
(else-if: $Military2 is false)[
(if: $Military1 is true)[
A fight breaks out between two Military personel. The fight seems petty and scrappy, one person intending to inflict damage while the other fights seemingly out of self defence.
What do you say after the fight?
[[Why was this fight started?]]
[[Both of you get no food]]
[[Give a rallying speech on our shared responsibility]]
[[Who ever started it is exiled]]]
(else-if: $Military1 is false)[
(if: $FoodAndWaterShip is true)[
A fight breaks out between two Food and Water workers. The fight seems petty and scrappy, one person intending to inflict damage while the other fights seemingly out of self defence.
What do you say after the fight?
[[Why was this fight started?]]
[[Both of you get no food]]
[[Give a rallying speech on our shared responsibility]]
[[Who ever started it is exiled]]]
(else-if: $FoodAndWaterShip is false)[
A fight breaks out between two of your scientists. The fight seems petty and scrappy, one person intending to inflict damage while the other fights seemingly out of self defence.
What do you say after the fight?
[[Why was this fight started?]]
[[Both of you get no food]]
[[Give a rallying speech on our shared responsibility]]
[[Who ever started it is exiled]]
]]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
"I started it but he has been bullying me relentlessly for the last few days".
"Bullying isn't a crime" says the other "But attacking someone is".
The bulling seems to have taken a severe psychological toll on the man who started the fight, but he is the only one punishable of any offence.
Punishing someone who hasn't broken the law goes agains't everything your society stands for.
[[Punish the person who started the fight]]
[[Punish the bully]]
[[Punish them both|Both of you get no food]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
They both get no food or water the next [[day.|End Tension 1]]
Only one of them committed a crime, the other did nothing wrong in the eyes of the law, but there were more eyes on him than just the law.
(set: $Bully to false){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
All those brain cells of yours were firing during the speech, but the underlying message is not your speech but your lack of your firm action. People tend to remember events over speeches, and the lack of events taking place after the fight speaks for itself.
People return to their daily life, knowing there seems to be no punishments for [[fighting.|End Tension 1]]
(set: $BloodyFight is true)
(set: $Dictatorship = $Dictatorship - 1)
(set: $Bully to false){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
"I didn't start it, he started it."
[[Exile them both]]
[[Ask other people who started it]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The person who started the fight doesn't eat or drink the next day, the bully remains [[unchecked.|Bully not punished]]
It's a difficult situation you are in, but the law doesn't cover everything.
(set: $Bully to true)
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You punish the bully who does not eat or drink the [[next day.|End Tension 1]]
One person broke the law, the other didn't. It's always a shame to see an innocent man punished for no crime just public opinion.
(set: $Bully to false){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You exile both the perpetrators for [[fighting.|End Tension 1]]
A beautiful public execution for the population to watch, as any civilised society does.
(set: $ExileBothQuote to true)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + 4)
(set: $Capacity = $Capacity - 2)
(set: $DeathToll = $DeathToll + 2)
(set: $Dictatorship = $Dictatorship + 3)
(set: $Bully to false){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
People look scared to condemn their crew-mate to death, their eyes dart around to hopefully see anyone but themselves talk. The silence is deafening, as their postures shrink into that of a scared animal cornered by its predator.
Eventually, someone cracks, revealing to you one of them started it, but the other was bullying him relentlessly.
Only one of them has committed a crime in the eyes of the law.
(set: $Tension = $Tension + 3)
[[Exile the bully]]
[[Exile who started it]]
[[Exile them both]] {(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The next day there you find the body of the man who started the fight, his pale body hanging from someone else's rope. Beneath his lifeless feet lies a note, addressed to not his family and friends, but you. In this note you find mention of the relentless bullying he received, and having himself be punished for fighting back and not the bully only eventuated the hopeless he felt. He mentions he was suffocated by the isolation of your ship, and distraught with the end of earth, and the bullying was the tipping point. He says he needed a reason to want to live.
(set: $Capacity = $Capacity - 1)(set: $DeathToll = $DeathToll + 1)(set: $Tension = $Tension + 3)
[[Exile the bully]]
[[Carry on]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You exile the bully who seemed to force the inevitability of the fight, knowing he will die alone in space. Your crew look on. He never broke any laws, yet there he floats, lifeless, with a sense of mercy in his eyes that seem to stare into everyone onboard the ship.
A beautiful public execution for the population to watch, as any civilised society does.
It’s lovely to see the law change to fit the leader.
Was the bully's hate to blame or your absense of [[love?|End Tension 1]]
(set: $Dictatorship = $Dictatorship + 2)
(set: $Capacity = $Capacity - 1)
(set: $Tension to $Tension + 3)
(set: $DeathToll = $DeathToll + 1)
(set: $Bully to false){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You exile the man who started the fight, knowing he will die alone in space. The bully remains unchecked.
A beautiful public execution for the population to watch, as any civilised society does.
Your crew look on in [[fear.|End Tension 1]]
(set: $Dictatorship = $Dictatorship + 3)
(set: $Tension = $Tension +2)
(set: $BloodyFight = true)
(set: $Bully to true){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The bully [[remains.|End Tension 1]]
(set: $Tension = $Tension + 3)
(set: $Bully to true){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
A beautiful execution for the population to watch, as any civilised society does.
The military man responsible is [[killed.|End Tension 1]]
(set: $Capacity = $Capacity - 1)
(set: $DeathToll = $DeathToll + 1)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + 1)
(set: $Dictatorship = $Dictatorship + 1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The killer is punish severely, but a killer still exists on the [[ship.|End Tension 1]]
It's always a dangerous territory to live in, one in which you work side by side with a killer. Not many things make a man fear another man than knowing they have the proven ability to kill a human, and knowing their anger could result in the same fate for someone else.
(set: $Tension = $Tension + 2)
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
A beautiful execution for the population to watch, as any civilised society does.
The food worker responsible is killed, and due to both their workplaces being empty, the the amount of food available [[decreases.|End Tension 1]]
(set: $Capacity = $Capacity - 1)
(set: $MaxCapacity = $MaxCapacity - 5)
(set: $DeathToll = $DeathToll + 1)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + 1)
(set: $Dictatorship = $Dictatorship + 1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
A beautiful execution for the population to watch, as any civilised society does.
The scientist responsible is [[killed.|End Tension 1]]
(set: $Capacity = $Capacity - 1)
(set: $DeathToll = $DeathToll + 1)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + 1)
(set: $Dictatorship = $Dictatorship + 1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
All those brain cells of yours were firing during the speech, but the underlying message is not your speech but your lack of your firm action. People tend to remember events over speeches, and the lack of events taking place after the fight speaks for itself.
You try your best to motivate people to work towards the ultimate situation, the survival of [[humanity|End Tension 1]], but an unpunished killer still lives on the ship.
(set: $Tension = $Tension + 5)
(set: $BloodyFight is true)
(set: $Dictatorship = $Dictatorship - 1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The next ship you find contains General Murplitek. As one of the more prominent characters in the war, you have some information available on him.
General Murplitek-
-Highest ranking army official known alive
-Is regarded as one of the worst leaders in the modern age
-Was exposed by colleagues for widespread corruption, racial and sexual abuse
-Immensely popular
[[Take him|Take General]]
[[Leave him|Leave General]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You take the general onboard.
As the proclaimed leader, he demands the ship vote on a new leader in an open, democratic election.
One of your fellow scientists warns you about this man, saying that all the borders a respectable human wouldn't cross, he would cross in a heartbeat to win. The scientist asks you to disregard whatever you think you know about elections because there is no scenario where he loses. Too much money is on the line for him not to win.
(if: $Military2 is true)[Additionally, your ship contains a majority military personnel.]
[[Hold an election]]
[[Say you are the leader and that's final]]
[[Say he can take control if we are in a military scenario]]
[[Don't take him on board|Leave General]]
(set: $General to true)
(set: $Capacity = $Capacity + 1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
(if: $Military1 is true)[The military onboard speak up. They will not let you leave their commander to die.
[[Take General]]
[[Remove the General|Military take force]]
(set: $Tension = $Tension + 2)
(set: $Dictatorship to $Dictatorship + 1)]
(else-if: $Military2 is true)[The military onboard speak up. They will not let you leave their commander to die.
[[Take General]]
[[Remove the General|Military take force]]
(set: $Tension = $Tension + 2)
(set: $Dictatorship to $Dictatorship + 1)]
(else:)[You leave the general.
Rumours emerge of you killing your only political rival to stay in power.
The silencing of views, no matter how justified, is a stance taken by an oppressor and this is shown through the ship with a new stat added.
(set: $Dictatorship = $Dictatorship + 3)(set: $DeathToll = $DeathToll + 1)(set: $Tension = $Tension + 3)(if: $General is true)[(set: $Capacity = $Capacity - 1)(set: $General to false)]
Capacity $Capacity/$MaxCapacity
Death Toll $DeathToll
Political opponents killed 1
[[Continue|Kill General]]
]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You know there is no other outcome other than him winning. He has promised the impossible and has focussed everyone's fears towards the enemy (even though the war is over). The objective of the future is clear. The scapegoat is clear. The enemy is a competitor to beat. He will win the election and drive humanity to repeat Earth's mistakes again.
[[Hold the election]]
[[Say he can take control if we are in a military scenario]]
[[Say you are the leader and that's final]]
[[Leave General]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
He asks [[why?]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The general agrees to your terms but seems worryingly eager to take control when the time comes.
It's odd how these people always seem to have power - the magical ability to fail upwards, always beating the more qualified because of the position they were gifted by men before them. People always find comfort in giving like minded people their power.
(if: $Military2 is true)[He has a commanding presence over the army and they all follow his orders without question.]
{(if: $Military1 is false)[Life goes [[on.|Pre End General section]]]
(else-if: $Military2 is false)[Life goes [[on.|Pre End General section]]]
(else:)[Life goes [[on.|End General section]]]}
(set: $GeneralMilitaryControl to true){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Moving past the general, there are more ships to save.
In the distance is an additional military ship, containing 20 more soldiers, but before that you see 4 other ships.
These 4 ships have been left to preserve basic human pleasures and activities left by the rich men who put them there. These ships are crucial for the maintenance of a future human society, and this may be your only opportunity to collect them.
Of the 5 vessels in total, you only have the onboard electrical power to facilitate 4 of them.
These ships contain the only supply of-
Arts and entertainment, fitness and sports, self expression and music, education, with the additional 5th ship containing more soldiers.
Choose 4 of the 5 wisely, you will not be able to go back on your choices.
Remember, every 5 people over capacity the tension will [[increase.|Arts and Entertainment]]
{(set: $c = 0)
(set: $b to ($Capacity-$MaxCapacity))
(set: $b1 = (round: $b))
{(if: $b1 >= 5)[
(set: $c = $c +1)
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,30))[
(set: $b1 = $b1-5)
(if: $b1 >=5)[(set: $c = $c +1)]
{(if: $c is $d)[]
(else-if: $c > $d)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(else-if: $d > $c)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(set: $d = $c)
}}{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
His statement is valid. The only reason you are in power is because you outrank everyone previously, but not him.
A woman approaches you, before you have time to make your decision, and asks to talk to you in private.
She speaks to you, softly, but with a commanding undertone. "I have dealt with people like this my whole life," she said. "Compromise is the best solution, even if it's not the prettiest, even if it's not the most moral, you can do far more good in power than not."
[[Hold the election|Hold an election]]
[[Say he can take control if it becomes a military operation|Say he can take control if we are in a military scenario]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
He wins the election.
You seem like the enemy.
You ran against the leader, who isn't the enemy.
If you aren't with us, then you are just like the enemy.
You're the enemy.
Get off our ship, enemy.
And you can take your enemy family with you.
Some people supported you, they must be the enemy.
They aren't our friends and family anymore, they are the enemy.
Get of our ship [[enemy.|Thanks for playing]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You are approached by the arts and entertainment ship, giving your ship access to all sorts of media, creativity, entertainment and fun. It provides every film, every novel and every bit of art (all digitally) to be accessed by everyone on the ship. This is one of the founding pillars of modern society, the ability to create and explore our culture in an entertaining way has inspired more than anyone ever could. The power to show content to others is a gift, and a testament to all that is good in humanity.
It will, though, decrease the productivity of every worker on the ship, making less food and water available.
[[Take the ship.|Arts yes]]
[[Leave the ship.|Arts no]]
(set: $counter to 0){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You take the Arts and Entertainment [[ship.|Fitness]]
(set: $ArtsShip to true)
(set: $Tension to $Tension - 2)
(set: $counter to $counter +1)
(set: $a to ($MaxCapacity/10))
(set: $a1 = (round: $a))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity - $a1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You leave the Arts and Entertainment [[ship.|Fitness]]
(set: $ArtsShip to false)
(set: $Tension to $Tension + 3){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The next ship is a fitness ship, containing facilities for sports, competition and any variety of exercise. Without this, there is no space on the ship for exercise of any form. Fitness is one of the only ways humans can connect with their primitive self safely and positively. The ability to harbour aggression so it can be released in a positive manner, to foster relationships previously untapped by sport, and to move, something often so undervalued in a modern society but something we forget is as important to us as water.
Taking the fitness ship will slightly reduce the maximum capacity as active people require more food and water.
[[Take the ship.|Fitness yes]]
[[Leave the ship.|Fitness no]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You take the fitness [[ship.|Textiles and music]]
(set: $Fitness to true)
(set: $Tension to $Tension - 5)
(set: $a to ($MaxCapacity/10))
(set: $a1 = (round: $a))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity - $a1)
(set: $counter to $counter +1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You leave the fitness [[ship.|Textiles and music]]
(set: $Fitness to false)
(set: $Tension to $Tension + 5){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The next ship gives you access to self expression. It contains a variety of different clothes for everyone (people are currently only wearing their uniform), paint for the currently grey and depressing looking ship, picture frames and printers. There is also equipment for making and listening to music and it provides all religious texts and equipment for every faith.
Self-expression gives people individuality. Everyone looks different, and it should be celebrated and expressed through personal freedom, especially through music. Music provides something art cannot, a language in which words are not just spoken, but expressed. Music may seem simple or unnecessary, but it connects and helps people in ways most people cannot put into words.
It will, as with art and entertainment, decrease the productivity of every worker on the ship, making less food and water available.
[[Take the ship.|T&M yes]]
[[Leave the ship.|T&M no]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You take the textiles and music [[ship.|Teaching]]
(set: $TandM to true)
(set: $counter to $counter +1)
(set: $Tension to $Tension - 2)
(set: $Dictatorship to $Dictatorship - 1)
(set: $a to ($MaxCapacity/10))
(set: $a1 = (round: $a))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity - $a1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You leave the textiles and music [[ship.|Teaching]]
(set: $TandM to false)
(set: $Tension to $Tension + 3)
(set: $Dictatorship to $Dictatorship + 2){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
This ship has all the equipment, resources and materials capable of teaching what is left of humanity. Education is liberation, and is capable of breaking through all barriers, be that social, economic or race related. The ability to have intelligent conversation, pursue science and innovate beyond imagination doesn’t discriminate, it just requires education.
This ship also gives the chance for some military to become food and water workers so the maximum capacity can increase.
[[Take the ship.|Teaching yes]]
[[Leave the ship.|Teaching no]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You take the teaching [[ship.|Military 3]]
{(if: $Military1 is true)[Straight away, some of the military use the new facilities to become food and water workers
(set: $b to ($MaxCapacity/10))
(set: $b1 = (round: $b))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity + $b1)
(else-if: $Military2 is true)[Straight away, some of the military use the new facilities to become food and water workers
(set: $b to ($MaxCapacity/10))
(set: $b1 = (round: $b))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity + $b1)
(set: $Teaching to true)
(set: $counter to $counter +1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You leave the teaching [[ship.|Military 3]]
(set: $Teaching to false)
(set: $Dictatorship to $Dictatorship + 2)
(set: $Tension to $Tension +5){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The final ship of the 5 is another military ship, containing 20 soldiers.
(if: $General is true)[ [[The general approaches you.]]]
(if: $General is false)[(if: $counter >=4)[[[You leave the final ship as you have already taken 4 ships.|end 4/5 section]]
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + 20)]
(if: $counter <=3)[[[Take the final ship.|pre end 4/5 section 1]]
[[Leave the final ship.|pre end 4/5 section 2]]
]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
(if: $counter <= 3)[He thanks you for the military ship being one of the ones you [[save.|end 4/5 section]]
(set: $Military3 to true)
(set: $counter = $counter + 1)
(set: $Capacity = $Capacity + 20)
(else:)[The general asks you why you didn't save the 20 crew members of the military [[ship.|Kill 20]]
(set: $DeathToll = $DeathToll + 20)
(set: $Military3 to false)
(set: $Tension to $Tension + 2)
]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
(if: $counter is 4)[The ship you didn't save was the {(if: $ArtsShip is false)[Arts](if: $Fitness is false)[Fitness](if: $TandM is false)[Textiles and Music](if: $Teaching is false)[Teaching](if: $Military3 is false)[Military]} ship. You have directly deprived humanity of this comodity. All you can do is trust that history sees you in the context you were [[in.|Tension Event 2]]]
(else-if: $counter <=3)[You didn't choose 4 of the 5 ships, and this spreads round the ship. You deprived humanity of important resources for the [[future.|less than 4]]]
{(set: $c = 0)
(set: $b to ($Capacity-$MaxCapacity))
(set: $b1 = (round: $b))
{(if: $b1 >= 5)[
(set: $c = $c +1)
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,30))[
(set: $b1 = $b1-5)
(if: $b1 >=5)[(set: $c = $c +1)]
{(if: $c is $d)[]
(else-if: $c > $d)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(else-if: $d > $c)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(set: $d = $c)
}}Capacity $Capacity/$MaxCapacity
(if: $c>=1)[The tension in the ship has increased due to the overpopulation]
Death Toll $DeathToll{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You take the final ship, saving 20 [[lives.|end 4/5 section]]
(set: $counter = $counter + 1)
(set: $Capacity = $Capacity + 20)
(set: $Military3 to true){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You leave the ship, along with 20 innocent [[souls.|end 4/5 section]]
(set: $Military3 to false)
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + 20){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
"You have killed 20 soldiers over other non essential ships. Why haven't you prioritised saving human life over anything? Isn't that the whole point of survival," says the General
(if: $Military1 is true)[Additionally to the General, the soldiers speak up throughout the ship.
"You are unfit to lead, killing people needlessly goes against everything we fought for. We laid our lives down for the preservation of human life, how dare you become what we fought against"
With the soldiers on your ship, the general forcibly removes you from power, your ability to make decisions has [[ended.|Thanks for playing]]
(else-if: $Military1 is false)[
(if: $Military2 is true)[Additionally to the General, the soldiers speak up throughout the ship.
"You are unfit to lead, killing people needlessly goes against everything we fought for. We laid our lives down for the preservation of human life, how dare you become what we fought against"
With the soldiers on your ship, the general forcibly removes you from power, your ability to make decisions has [[ended.|Thanks for playing]]
(else-if: $Military2 is false)["You are unfit to lead, killing people needlessly goes against everything we fought for. We laid our lives down for the preservation of human life, how dare you become what we fought against"
Without any soldiers on your ship, he does not have the authority to remove you from power, but tensions rise heavily in your ship when word spreads of your [[decision.|end 4/5 section]]
(set: $Dictatorship to $Dictatorship + 3)
(set: $Tension to $Tension + 5)
]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You are forcibly removed from power by the very people you were sworn in to protect. Maybe you have protected them from a worse fate, but you must understand history never judges you with full context. Your crew strip you of your ability to make [[decisions.|Thanks for playing]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The general takes charge by force with his military, undermining your social authority. No matter his image, no matter his disillusioned view on the world, no matter his disgusting views towards women, he is still a military leader, and is closer to the people with forceful power than you. You must always be careful that people like this never come into power, because anything is possible when you don’t care about any consequences.
You loose your ability to make [[decisions.|Thanks for playing]]
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Thank you for taking the time to play this game, it really does mean a lot.
If you have any questions about the outcome of your experience with this game or any issues you would like to report, please email 2202feedback@gmail.com
I am truly honoured you gave this game your time.{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
(if: $Dictatorship >=5)[Your people view you too much as a dictator due to your actions through your time and remove you from [[power.|Thanks for playing]]]
{(if: $Tension is >=10 )[The tension in the ship is too high from your decisions, and a mutiny breaks out and overthrows you from leadership, you ability to make decisions ends [[here.|removed 2]]]
(else-if: $BloodyFight is true)[Because of previous events, a brutal fight breaks [[out.|Fight 2a]]]
(else-if: $Tension is <10 and >=5)[Due to the high tension, a [[brutal fight|Fight 2a]] breaks out]
(else-if: $Tension is <5 and >=2)[Due to the high tension, a [[fight|Fight 2b]] breaks out]
(else-if: $Tension is <2)[[[Life goes on.|End Tension 2]]]}
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You are overthrown from your cozy leadership [[position.|Thanks for playing]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
A brutal fight breaks out between two scientists.
Scientist 1 says Scientist 2 was mocking him and being hurtful, and left him so angry he had to fight him.
Scientist 2 says he was making personal jokes about Scientist 1.
Scientist 1 started the physical fight.
Scientist 2 says he did nothing wrong just make jokes.
In the ensuing fight, Scientist 1 killed Scientist 2.
What do you do?
[[Exile Scientist 1]]
[[Scientist 1 gets 2 weeks of no food]]
[[Build a prison for Scientist 1 at the expense of 5% communal food and water]]
[[Nothing|Nothing Fight 2a]]
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + 1)
(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - 1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
A fight between two scientists breaks out.
Scientist 1 says Scientist 2 was mocking him and being hurtful, and left him so angry he had to fight him.
Scientist 2 says he was making personal jokes about Scientist 1.
Scientist 1 started the physical fight.
Scientist 2 says he did nothing wrong just make jokes.
What do you do?
[[Scientist 1 gets no food or water for a day]]
[[Scientist 2 gets no food or water for a day]]
[[Both of them get no food or water for a day]]
[[None of them are punished]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
(if: $Bully is true)[Because of the previous bully being unpunished, two more people fall victim to his bullying, and take their own lives because of it, and because of the lack of your authority stopping the bully.
What do you do?
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + 2)(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - 2)
[[Exile the bully|Exile the bully 2]]
[[Set up a prison for the bully at the expense of 5% of everyones food and water]]]
(else-if: $Bully is false)[[[Life goes on.|End Bully 2]]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You exile the bully in return for his actions, even though he was never guilt of anything other than verbal [[persuasion.|End Bully 2]]
Seems a severe punishment for someone who hasn't committed a crime.
People watch his cold body float through space, knowing of the other lives he has brought down with him to the grave.
(set: $Verbal to true)
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + 1)
(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - 1)
(set: $Dictatorship to $Dictatorship + 1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
They are both punished, but Scientist 2 publicly insults you, as he says he was punished for nothing but making jokes, where as Scientist 1 crossed a definitive line with physical [[violence.|End Tension 2]] Scientist 2 brings about a minor group supporting a cause against you. It may be small, but communities only grow.
(set: $Dictatorship to $Dictatorship + 1)
(set: $Tension to $Tension + 2){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
None of them are punished, but later on that evening Scientist 2 jokes about Scientist 1 being a immature caveman and directly ensuing this comment Scientist 1 starts another fight with Scientist 2, but in this fight Scientist 2 is killed.
What do you do?
[[Exile Scientist 1]]
[[Scientist 1 gets 2 weeks of no food]]
[[Build a prison for Scientist 1 at the expense of 5% communal food and water]]
[[Nothing|Nothing Fight 2a]]
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + 1)
(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - 1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The bully is imprisoned at everyone else's [[expense.|End Bully 2]]
(set: $Bully to false)
(set: $Prison to true)
(set: $a to ($MaxCapacity)*0.05))
(set: $a1 = (round: $a))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity - $a1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Scientist 1 is infuriated with your decision, but he was the only man on the ship who commited a [[crime.|End Tension 2]] In the eyes of the law he was the only guilty one, but there are always more eyes watching.{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Scientist 2 publicly insults you, saying he was punished for nothing but making jokes, where as Scientist 1 crossed a definitive boundary with physical [[violence.|End Tension 2]]. He is angry, and tensions rise with him. He is an underdog to you, and his support has worrying growth behind it.
(set: $Dictatorship to $Dictatorship + 1)
(set: $Tension to $Tension + 4){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You exile the [[killer.|End Tension 2]]
An eye for an eye some would say.
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + 1)
(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - 1)
(set: $Dictatorship to $Dictatorship +1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Scientist 1 is punished, but a killer still remains on the ship, and people live in fear of [[this.|End Tension 2]]
(set: $Tension to $Tension + 3){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Scientist 1 is [[imprisoned|End Tension 2]], but at a communal cost.
(set: $Prison to true)
(set: $a to ($MaxCapacity)*0.05)
(set: $a1 = (round: $a))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity - $a1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
An unpunished killer remains on your ship, and people live with [[fear.|End Tension 2]]
(set: $Tension to $Tension + 5)
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
{(set: $c = 0)
(set: $b to ($Capacity-$MaxCapacity))
(set: $b1 = (round: $b))
{(if: $b1 >= 5)[
(set: $c = $c +1)
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,30))[
(set: $b1 = $b1-5)
(if: $b1 >=5)[(set: $c = $c +1)]
{(if: $c is $d)[]
(else-if: $c > $d)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(else-if: $d > $c)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(set: $d = $c)
}}Capacity $Capacity/$MaxCapacity
(if: $c>=1)[The tension has increased due to the overpopulation]
Death Toll $DeathToll
[[Life goes on.|10 days potential]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You have an opportunity to get additional food and water.
It will take 10 days of gruelling work from everyone on the ship.
The work relies upon the periods the ship is facing the Sun, so the day is capped at 8 hours a day but every second of that 8 hours requires work.
These are the conditions of how many of the 10 days you will work.
Taking days off for various reasons can decrease tensions.
There is a big Shaki holiday on the 10th day.
Find a balance between work, rest and humanity.
10 Days of work +50% Food and Water
9 Days of work +40% Food and Water
8 Days of work +30% Food and Water
7 Days of work +20% Food and Water -5% Population
6 Days of work +10% Food and Water -5% Population
5 Days of work +5% Food and Water -10% Population
4 Days of work +0% Food and Water -15% Population
3 Days of work -10% Food and Water -20% Population
2 Days of work -20% Food and Water -30% Population
1 Days of work -30% Food and Water -40% Population
0 Days of work -40% Food and Water -50% Population
The 10 days starts [[now.|10 day start]]
(set: $WorkDays to 0){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
War is an inevitability, where loose ideologies prevail over strong intentions and, in 2202, the final war was fought. Was it man's destiny or choice to destroy the Earth? Either way, human nature dominated and those left orbit around the Earth in their expensive [[ships.]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
In this brief period of serenity the Rafa child approaches you, and poses a question.
"Should men be allowed to change in female changing rooms when women are changing?"
(set: $Bully to false){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The child replies, "Thank you, I feel incredibly uncomfortable changing with men, they are all so hairy and bullish.".
The child runs away with an innocent prance in his [[step.|Later that day]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The child walks away and disperses himself into the bustle of the ship.
It is a shame that more could not be learnt from the past. History repeating itself never showed the inevitability of man, just the inevitability of not recognising history repeating itself. Because of this, war is inevitable. The final war on Earth could have been any war in any history, the clock was always so close to midnight all the time. It’s insanity to think people got used to it. All it took was one spark. You can imagine it. Two countries with a history of underhand acts of aggression, cultural differences and racially rooted hatred, until one country breaks and the tension is released in [[war.|End Tension 1]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The anger towards you is seemingly too great and your people identify you as someone seeking power, not as their leader. A leader would respect the will of all their people, even if that was to remove them as a leader.
Through this the general finds a foothold to push himself into leadership, and you have made something great for him to stand on. Your example, seemingly your only mistake so far, is something the general uses against you to its fullest effect. For all his mistakes, which are far worse than yours, people cannot overlook his charisma and place him in a mental space where he cannot make a mistake, even though the reason he is alone on a ship is because he abandoned his own crew.
If you are ignorant enough to never admit your mistakes, in your eyes you have never made a mistake.
Your ability to make decisions has been [[removed.|Thanks for playing]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The next day you awake to a queue of faces, some painted with disgust, some with hatred and some with a recently unearthed vulnerability.
The women outside your door ask why there are men in the female changing rooms.
Who is in the wrong?
[[You|Your at fault]]
[[The men|End Tension 1]]
[[The women complaining|Women at fault]]
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Do you change your original stance on - "Should men be allowed to change in female changing rooms when women are changing?"
(set: $Tension = $Tension +1 )
[[No|Whos at fault]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
"Gender equality is built on women complaining," the women say with increasing rage. "You think we got from being objects to humans by staying as quiet as an object? The last thing we need is a man making women's rights."
The women storm off, infuriated and frustrated in your views as their leader. However you think about their opinion. Word spreads throughout the ship until rumours self-perpetuate and escalate. Whispers demeaning your character grow and grow, until your image represent the ideologies humanity wished were left to die with the Earth. You have to realise 50% of the population are vulnerable to the other [[50%.|End Tension 1]]
(set: $Tension = $Tension + 5 ){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
So who is in the wrong?
[[The men|End Tension 1]]
[[The women complaining|Women at fault]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
As the general imbeds himself into the ship's structure, you hear several reports of him trying to find any shred of dirt on your past that he can use against you. He never seems to want change or stand for anything meaningful, he simply just wants you below him. But one interesting statistic draws his attention, the death toll which is currently at $DeathToll.
Rumours spread fast, but hatred spreads quicker, and the general finds out the reason that the death toll is so high is because a military ship was left for dead.
He uses this as leverage against you, saying innocent lives were lost for seemingly nothing, considering the maximum capacity allowed it, regardless of any context or information in your [[defence.|removed 2]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
As the first day of work beckons closer and closer, people seem tense and anxious. They have never done work like this before, they have never prepared for this, they are not physically ready. The task seems too daunting and too much to suddenly undertake it without preparation.
Many people come up to you, their faces painted in worry.
"Please can we take this day to prepare, we would all feel so much better having time to plan our work and would be able to undertake this task fully ready the next day feeling our best."
[[Take a day to prepare|Rest 1]]
[[Don't take a day to prepare|Work 1]]
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You take the first day off, with everyone saying they are ready and positive to attack the next [[day.|Second Day Stall]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You work the first [[day.|Day 2]]
(set: $WorkDays to $WorkDays + 1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The second day comes around, and again the same people come up to you asking for more time to prepare.
"I know we said yesterday we would work today but we do seriously need more time to prepare. The work scheduling is a complete disaster and we need to spend more time making sure all the work is spread fair and evenly amongst everyone."
[[Take the day to prepare|Third Day Stall]]
[[Don't take day to prepare|Work 2]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
People are exhausted.
That first day of work came as such an incredible shock to them. Most people have never worked that hard in their lives and the impending 9 other days seems to only make them feel defeated and weary.
[[Take next day to rest|Rest 2]]
[[Don't rest|Work 2]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The third day comes around and again people come up to you with genuine concern.
"Look, I know we have been preparing the last two days but this day is the final thing we need. We need to finalise the distribution of pay and complete health checks on every member of the ship before we begin. You could be putting lives at risk if everyone is not checked before working."
[[One more day to prepare|Final Stalling Excuse]]
[[Don't prepare|Work 3]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You work the second [[day.|Day 3]]
(set: $WorkDays to $WorkDays + 1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You rest the second [[day.|Day 3]]
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
(if: $Fitness is true)[The third evening of the working week has always been for sport, a huge tradition in the new age, as differences are met and removed in lighthearted competition. It is small yet crucial pillar which kept peace for so long (and with the sports ship that you have taken that tradition may be able to flourish again).
Do you take the evening off for sports?
It will cost 2 hours of work but if people apply themselves the next day that time could be made up and there will be no impact.
[[Play the traditional game|Rest 3]]
[[Don't play the traditional game|Work 3]]]
(else-if: $Fitness is false)[The third evening of the working week has always been for film, a huge tradition in the new age, as differences are met and removed in lighthearted and meaningful cinema. It is small yet crucial pillar which kept peace and unity for so long in an increasingly divided world (and with the arts and entertainment ship that you have taken that tradition may be able to flourish again).
Do you take the evening off for communal traditional cinema?
It will cost 2 hours of work but if people apply themselves the next day that time could be made up and there will be no impact.
[[Allow the traditional cinema|Rest 3]]
[[Don't allow the traditional cinema|Work 3]]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You have taken the first 3 days to prepare for the remaining 7 days.
I wonder, if you started straight away, would any of these problems have stopped you [[working?|Day 4]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You work the third day.
For some it may seem crazy how watching other people brings people together, but in an increasingly divided world it kept so much under control for so long. These small things, as simple as a sense of belonging in something greater, were missed by so many people for so long, you can see how an Army provides that, no matter which side of a war it [[is.|Day 4]]
(set: $WorkDays to $WorkDays + 1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
(if: $Fitness is true)[The competition is thoroughly enjoyed. Even though one group of people win, people have been brought closer together in support of a bigger cause. Tensions are crushed, the thought of previous work is subsided, and people seem optimistic for the future ahead.
That unity though, is paired with alcohol.
For the victors it is a celebration, for the defeated, a commiseration, but for all it is unmoderated. They are happy, but the next morning their promise of redeeming the work skipped by strenuous hard work isn't met.
In all, a combined day isn't [[worked.|Day 4]]]
(else-if: $Fitness is false)[The communal cinema is thoroughly enjoyed. People have been brought closer together via something as simple as a shared experience. Tensions are reduced, the thought of previous work is subsided, and people seem optimistic for the future ahead.
That unity though, is paired with alcohol.
It always starts with intentions of relaxation, but after the cinema people claw together trying to make this unity last forever, and it divulges into a later and later night. They are happy, but the next morning their promise of redeeming the work skipped by strenuous hard work isn't met.
In all, a combined day isn't [[worked.|Day 4]]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
As you ready yourself for work, a team of scientists approach. They have found an alternate method, just for today, of guaranteeing +5% food and water if you take an alternative, easier method of working that day. It will still require the same amount of time and will produce some results but will be far less mentally draining on the crew.
[[Alternative work|Rest 4]]
[[Normal work|Work 4]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You take the alternate option on the fourth day.
You have guaranteed +5% food and water for the ship, but overall it does not qualify for a full work [[day.|Day 5]]
(set: $GeneralSpeech to true)
(set: $Plusfood to ($MaxCapacity*5)/100)
(set: $PlusfoodR = (round: $Plusfood))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity + $PlusfoodR){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You work the fourth day.
The General, although a controversial figure, is immensely popular within the ship, and his ability to motivate people (no matter its moral implications) is immense. He can tap into a primitive anger and uses this to drive the easily lead forwards.
Do you let him give a speech to motivate the workers even though you know it will contain hateful and borderline racist comments?
[[Yes|General motivate yes]]
[[No|General motivate no]]
(set: $WorkDays to $WorkDays + 1)
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
In the year 2202, disease, illness and disability are a thing of the past.
It was medicine's greatest innovation to make health a level playing field. But when everything is equal, people still fall behind, and an unhealthy lifestyle is entirely self-inflicted.
The unhealthy people are lagging behind, and working on this day would really push their health and bodies to a limit, and potentially over it.
Do you take the day to rest to reduce the health risk to the unhealthy?
[[Rest|Rest 5]]
[[Don't rest|Work 5]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
There is no work done the fifth [[day.|Day 6]]
You potentially save lives, but feed into a culture of unhealthy acceptance. There is a massive personal benefit of being healthy, but for most they need the social acceptance knowing what they are doing is the norm. From this social stance, pressure is created and it can be damaging to some, but is it worth the risk?
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You work the fifth [[day.|Day 6]]
The unhealthy struggle, severely. Their self inflicted damage to their body becomes apparent as they collapse into exhaustion after the day.
They are humiliated, ashamed, and they blame it on you.
(set: $WorkDays to $WorkDays + 1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Everyone on the 6th day is ready and there seem to be no excuses. People have turned a new page where they accept the burden this work provides.
Holta is a woman of many talents, but she is known throughout the ship for her compassion. She was a pillar for most of the ship, helping the soldiers cope with the horrors of war, helping the scientists deal with the ever mounting stress they feel to perform, even all the way down to helping the Rafa child grow up with some shred of normality.
Unfortunately for all on the ship, she has passed away on this day. She died halfway through the working 6th day, leaving those around her with love up until her last breath.
Do you abandon the day's work to give her a funeral or leave her dead body and work around it until the end of the day then give her a funeral?
[[Give her a funeral|Go to funeral 6]]
[[Work around her body until the day ends|Work 6]]
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + 1)(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - 1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You stop what you are doing, and the ship unites around Holta's body. She is given a funeral, attended by everyone on the ship but the General. She was a kind and beautiful soul that unties people even in her [[death.|Day 7]] As one of the many tokens to her life, a new stat is made available to the ship.
Capacity $Capacity/$MaxCapacity
Death Toll $DeathToll
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You try to carry on working, it's what Holta would have wanted, but people cannot do it. She would have wanted the ship to progress as much as possible but her death was too big a blow to the heart of the ships humanity.
As the day drives on and on, less and less people work as they loose their motivation. The work dwindles down and down until the crew wallow in their hopelessness to work. Everyone feels pathetic, like a child who has given up and just wants their mothers comfort. The day eventually ends, but a permanent dampener has been put on peoples motivation to work.
Her funeral is beautiful.
The general doesn't [[attend.|Day 7]]
(set: $Tension to $Tension +2)
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Today is the 7th day, the Sabbath if you will, and this day holds great religious meaning between your predominantly religious population. Working this day will go against a very key religious belief, and deny their time of worship that day.
[[Take the 7th day|Rest 7]]
[[Work the 7th day|Work 7]]
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You rest the seventh day, and gain considerable respect from your religious [[following.|Day 8]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You work through seventh [[day.|Day 8]]
Religious tensions rise, which famously never seems to end well.
(set: $WorkDays to $WorkDays + 1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
People are still resoundingly tired, but what's more demanding of your attention is the Rafa child, who seems unusually restless. He appears giddily excited, as do some of the crew. He is amplifying their excitement, like he can guarantee his own happiness.
[[Rest day 8|Rest 8]]
[[Don't rest day 8|Work 8]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You rest the eighth [[day.|Day 9]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You work the eighth [[day.|Day 9]]
(set: $WorkDays to $WorkDays + 1){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Early in the morning, just as some are waking, the child smashes on your door with an excited urgency. As you wake up his voice shouts with joy, "Merry Christmas!"
[[Celebrate christmas|Rest 9]]
[[Don't celebrate christmas|Work 9]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You celebrate christmas.
People are grateful for the [[break.|Day 10]]
(set: $Christmas to true){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You work through christmas, after all, it's just another [[day.|Day 10]]
(set: $WorkDays to $WorkDays + 1)
(set: $Christmas to false){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The 10th and final day arrives and people seem eager to celebrate the pre-warned Shaki holiday.
[[Celebrate the holiday|Rest 10]]
[[Don't celebrate the holiday|Work 10]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You celebrate the national holiday, marking the end of seasons and coincidentally the end of the 10 days.
The event is a huge celebration, and even though 60% of the ship is actually shaki, the holidays cultural roots lie so deep everyone has a treasured memory of this [[holiday.|End of 10]]
(set: $Tension to $Tension - 2)
(set: $Shaki to true){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
(if: $Christmas is true)[There is outcry flowing through the blood of the ship. A key figure in the shaki community approaches you with fire in his voice.
"I cannot believe your inadequacy, you put the holiday of 20% of the ship over 60%, I think a clear bias has been shown by you we cannot overlook. This holiday means so much to us and the majority of the ship and you celebrate christmas over it!"
There is huge turmoil in the ship, and its attention is to a leader who doesn't share their views and [[beliefs.|removed]] ]
(else-if: $Christmas is false)[There is outcry flowing through the blood of the ship. A key figure in the shaki community approaches you with fire in his voice.
"This is a huge holiday to 60% of the population, and not only that it was pre-warned to you. The only reason we aren't celebrating this holiday is because of your inability to plan ahead.
](set: $WorkDays to $WorkDays + 1)(set: $Shaki to false)
You work the tenth [[day.|End of 10]]
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The 10 days are over, the consequences of your work and excuses are shown in the ships statistics.
{(if: $WorkDays is 10)[
(set: $Plusfood to ($MaxCapacity*50)/100)
(set: $PlusfoodR = (round: $Plusfood))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity + $PlusfoodR)
(set: $NewDead to false)]
(if: $WorkDays is 9)[
(set: $Plusfood to ($MaxCapacity*40)/100)
(set: $PlusfoodR = (round: $Plusfood))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity + $PlusfoodR)
(set: $NewDead to false)]
(if: $WorkDays is 8)[
(set: $Plusfood to ($MaxCapacity*30)/100)
(set: $PlusfoodR = (round: $Plusfood))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity + $PlusfoodR)
(set: $NewDead to false)]
(if: $WorkDays is 7)[
(set: $Plusfood to ($MaxCapacity*20)/100)
(set: $PlusfoodR = (round: $Plusfood))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity + $PlusfoodR)
(set: $DeadPeople to ($Capacity*5)/100)
(set: $DeadPeopleR = (round: $DeadPeople))
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $NewDead to true)]
(if: $WorkDays is 6)[
(set: $Plusfood to ($MaxCapacity*10)/100)
(set: $PlusfoodR = (round: $Plusfood))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity + $PlusfoodR)
(set: $DeadPeople to ($Capacity*5)/100)
(set: $DeadPeopleR = (round: $DeadPeople))
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $NewDead to true)]
(if: $WorkDays is 5)[
(set: $Plusfood to ($MaxCapacity*5)/100)
(set: $PlusfoodR = (round: $Plusfood))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity + $PlusfoodR)
(set: $DeadPeople to ($Capacity*10)/100)
(set: $DeadPeopleR = (round: $DeadPeople))
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $NewDead to true)]
(if: $WorkDays is 4)[
(set: $DeadPeople to ($Capacity*15)/100)
(set: $DeadPeopleR = (round: $DeadPeople))
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $NewDead to true)]
(if: $WorkDays is 3)[
(set: $Plusfood to ($MaxCapacity*10)/100)
(set: $PlusfoodR = (round: $Plusfood))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity - $PlusfoodR)
(set: $DeadPeople to ($Capacity*20)/100)
(set: $DeadPeopleR = (round: $DeadPeople))
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $NewDead to true)]
(if: $WorkDays is 2)[
(set: $Plusfood to ($MaxCapacity*20)/100)
(set: $PlusfoodR = (round: $Plusfood))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity - $PlusfoodR)
(set: $DeadPeople to ($Capacity*30)/100)
(set: $DeadPeopleR = (round: $DeadPeople))
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $NewDead to true)]
(if: $WorkDays is 1)[
(set: $Plusfood to ($MaxCapacity*30)/100)
(set: $PlusfoodR = (round: $Plusfood))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity - $PlusfoodR)
(set: $DeadPeople to ($Capacity*40)/100)
(set: $DeadPeopleR = (round: $DeadPeople))
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $NewDead to true)]
(if: $WorkDays is 0)[
(set: $Plusfood to ($MaxCapacity*40)/100)
(set: $PlusfoodR = (round: $Plusfood))
(set: $MaxCapacity to $MaxCapacity - $PlusfoodR)
(set: $DeadPeople to ($Capacity*50)/100)
(set: $DeadPeopleR = (round: $DeadPeople))
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - $DeadPeopleR)
(set: $NewDead to true)]}
{(set: $c = 0)
(set: $b to ($Capacity-$MaxCapacity))
(set: $b1 = (round: $b))
{(if: $b1 >= 5)[
(set: $c = $c +1)
(for: each _i, ...(range:1,20))[
(set: $b1 = $b1-5)
(if: $b1 >=5)[(set: $c = $c +1)]
{(if: $c is $d)[]
(else-if: $c > $d)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(else-if: $d > $c)[
(set: $z = $c - $d)
(set: $Tension = $Tension + $z)]
(set: $d = $c)
Capacity $Capacity/$MaxCapacity
Death Toll $DeathToll
(if: $NewDead is true)[The results speak for [[themselves.|NewDead]]]
(else-if: $NewDead is false)[You have worked enough to preserve life despite everything. Your crew may have missed valuable events or skipped on crucial rest, but as time will come they will realise the bigger [[picture.|Summary of 10]]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The General makes his speech.
It's a shame that humans are so easily entranced into a group mentality. Our desire to fit in overwrites all logic until we have no sense of self and just act to fit in. It's people like the General who have an ability to farm these people like crops, making themselves a leader with a culture where fitting in is [[rewarded.|Day 5]]
(set: $GeneralSpeech to true){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The second you take away someone's platform, the reason better be just. Was it illegal, was it hate speech, was it putting someone's life at risk? None of these seem to ring true in the public eye for the General.
He may be close to the boundary and, yes, his ultimate goal may be for foul purposes, but he did not cross that boundary, and that right goes against a free society, and your subjects recognise [[this.|Day 5]]
(set: $Tension to $Tension + 3)
(set: $GeneralSpeech to false){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The death toll noticeboard is something that speaks volumes to the ship. It was a measure put in place on every ship, so everyone is aware human life comes before everything, as any idilic society should drive itself towards.
As a leader you are tasked with sacrificing every aspect of your character so your team may live. The captain goes down with his ship so no sailor has to do the same.
(if: $GeneralSpeech is false)[The General does a private speech because you didn't let [[him.|General private speech]]]
(else-if: $GeneralSpeech is true)[[[Life goes on.|Start of dual choice section]]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
2 ships approach you, but your ship can only choose 1.
Rafa culture, with its bloodlust and evil nature, didn't hold back on any moral codes. Paradoxically, this was brilliant for modern science. From the depths of the Rafa culture, science of unspeakable human suffering was led by a team of brilliant scientists. The lack of moral barriers paved a bloody path of information unmatched by anyone else.
Jaza culture, on the contrary, was built from the ground up on love and respect. They were never ruthlessly pursing unethical topics, only providing tests that were safe and fair and gave so much to build up the lower points of society they could never tap into the higher levels of science.
You have to choose between 2 Rafa scientist or 2 Jaza scientists.
[[Rafa|Take evil]]
[[Jaza|Take good]]
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You take the Rafa scientists, and the 2 Jaza scientists are left to the cold embrace of space.
It's odd how the information they have makes them more worthy to live than people who have spent their whole life doing nothing but [[good.|Next ship]]
Bad men thrive under good people.{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You take the objectively 'good' Jaza scientists. They have spent their entire lives being nothing but good citizens, caring too much for human life to never push moral or ethical boundaries.
They are lovely people who stand for everything your society represents, but they will never be able to obtain the knowledge the Rafa's [[have.|Next ship]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
An additional 2 ships approach but again your ship limits you to only being able to choose 1.
One ship contains 7 civilians. They are innocent, average and plainly human.
The other ship contains 8 criminals, taken at random from prisons on Earth with crimes in a human experiment in space before the war.
You do not know why the criminals were in prison so, under international law they cannot serve prison time on your ship, they have to be free.
[[Take the criminals|Criminals]]
[[Take the civilians|Civilians]]
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
They thank you for the second chance they have been given in life, one in which they all, no matter where they were from, were not given.
Let's hope the prison they were in before rehabilitated them into better [[people.|Fumes]]
(set: $Capacity to $Capacity + 8){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
You take the [[civilians.|Fumes]]
(if: $Prison to true)[The people currently in your onboard prison hear this news, have their lives really lost that much value being in prison?
This is also heard by people with previous prison time, who now realise the society they live in doesn't look past criminal mistakes, and they shouldn't either.
That night there are a string of crimes, all with no shame, all in private locations, all by previous [[criminals.|Fumes]].
(set: $Capacity to $Capacity + 7){(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
In your science ship, pipes run everywhere and anywhere. They transport water, chemicals, coolants, air and all sorts of essential recourses into the ships you have saved. One of these pipes, however, contains a gas that is readily available to all ships. The gas is colourless, toxic, potentially fatal, but incredibly enjoyable and addictive.
People have found away to syphon off small amounts of this gas to consume so that it won't affect the ships workings.
This gas may kill them, and when you have nothing to think about it is all you will be thinking about.
What is your stance to protect people?
[[Gas is punishable by death|Forbidden]]
[[Gas is punishable by 1 years in prison|Bad Illegal]]
[[Gas is punishable by 1 weeks in prison|Illegal]]
[[You are allowed gas but only a tightly monitored amount|Part legal]]
[[Any amount of gas is entirely acceptable|Full legal]]
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
It's an effective motivator the fear of death. One of our most primal fears, but the slight disconnect of delayed punishment never quite activates that fear in people. When people inhale the fumes, and unfortunately they still do, they are always disconnected to the punishment of their actions, and only when they are being sent to their deaths do they directly relate their actions to the punishment.
Your law is enforced by people loyal to you, and those loyal to them, out of self perpetuating fear that if they inhale the fumes everyone will turn on them.
4 people die due to your law, along with the Rafa child, who thought it was helium.
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + 5)(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - 5)(set: $Child to false)
[[End|End fumes section]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
People still want it, the punishment only means they can't be caught.
The prison on your ship slowly fills and fills, while the outside ship watch as their income goes more and more into supporting these people.
1 year is a lot of time, so it’s much easier to inhale fumes when your not watching. The risk of punishment is never directly realise until they are reprimanded for their actions. The power given to someone that can provide your addiction and avoid you being imprisoned for a year is a power given by you. All you can do is hope these people don't become more powerful than you.
5 people die not to fumes, but to it's industry.
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + 5)(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - 5)
[[End|End fumes section]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Is it Friday already? That week went incredibly quickly. The problem with humans is we are very good at wasting time, and what is 1 week in 52 a year.
The short punishment seems to be enough to deter people who don't like prison for a week, but for others it is just a walk in the park. They are in the cycle of fumes, prison, fumes, prison, with short peaks in their lives when they can enjoy fumes in prison.
For the most it deters people, but there is a generation who all have 1 week in prison, which is an experience most people shouldn't need to have.
4 people die from periodic addiction.
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + 4)(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - 4)
[[End|End fumes section]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
People can try it, so they do. People who previously wouldn't go anywhere near the fumes contemplate it because as the governing power you have allowed it, and a lot of people are exposed to risk, but bad people aren't benefiting from it, just you and your friends in power.
People try it, those who have nothing get addicted but are forced to unregulated places, but those with a reason not to inhale fumes go about their everyday lives, as they have other things to do.
1 person dies from addiction in an unregulated area of the ship.
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + 1)(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - 1)
[[End|End fumes section]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The ship, weirdly enough, doesn't really change. There is an enjoyable gas available to everyone in as much a supply as they want, but most people don't bother for it, because they have other people depending on them being themselves.
Some people do get addicted to the unregulated fumes, and it does kill them, but the pattern with those who die isn't they were weak, it was they didn't have people depending on them that they wanted to be clean of fumes for.
2 people die from self induced death, which some feel was your responsibility to prevent, but they had the freedom to induce death.
(set: $DeathToll to $DeathToll + 2)(set: $Capacity to $Capacity - 2)
[[End|End fumes section]]
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
The end of your leadership is in sight, but your time to leave a legacy is ending. The term of your leadership was eventful, and hopefully you are judged on your actions not how they are interpreted. Your moral decisions will always be judged within context. The era you exist in is new for humanity, and as long as you constantly think of growing from the past and planting seeds for the future, you will never fall far from the tree of human progress.
Time is running out, quickly. Leave a legacy, before other people leave it for you.
Your final choice is about your legacy.
Do you show all your mistakes for people to learn from? Or do you show all your successes for people to continue your progress?
[[Learn from your mistakes.|Flaws]]
[[Progress from your successes.|Successes]]
{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
[[The End|Thanks for playing]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
[[The End|Thanks for playing]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
It was stated, and was always stated, that less than 9 days of work would cause death to some, and it seems other priorities came before human life.
The death toll noticeboard is something that speaks volumes to the ship. It was a measure put in place on every ship, so everyone is aware that human life comes before everything, as any idyllic society should strive towards.
As a leader, you are tasked with sacrificing every aspect of your character so your team may live. The captain goes down with his ship so no sailor has to do the [[same.|removed]]{(enchant: ?Page, (background: "https://images.unsplash.com/photo-1475274047050-1d0c0975c63e?ixlib=rb-1.2.1&w=1000&q=80" ))(enchant: ?Passage, (text-colour: white + grey))(enchant: ?Passage, (font: "Courier" ))(enchant: ?Link, (text-colour: red + grey))}
Although you didn't allow the General to speak, that didn't stop his audience seeing his speech, it just gave him an target for his speech - you. By silencing him, the General became a rare, exotic, unheard mystery. What was so bad about his speech, I have to know? When attention is drawn like that and when something is forbidden it is craved even more, and it preys on man's desire for what he can't have.
This interest sparks followers, then community and tribalism, until you have an army of self-perpetuating hate. These people don't actually know what they believe, they just want to be like the people who [[do.|removed]]